Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend Fun!

This past weekend Eden finally learned how to blow bubbles properly! Prior to a few days ago, she would always end up with a mouth full of bubble solution (which she assures me doesn't taste that bad) or blowing so hard she couldn't form a proper bubble. She, of course, was always convinced she could blow bubbles - I however, referred to it as 'spitting'. So I'm pleased to announce she is now a successful bubble blower! We may need to work a little on her form, however. Look at this face!

Sunday after church...

After the kids got up from nap (ugh, I mean "quiet time" *see Pickle blog post) we went exploring on the Noland Trail with MiMi. We packed loads of bread to feed the ducks, fish and turtles. Although, I'm not sure I can just call these things turtles. Seems like an inadequate description. When one thinks of a turtle, their mind probably generates a picture of a cute little shelled creature about the size of a softball. These 'turtles' were monsters! Larger than the tires on your car. They'd certainly be able to swallow a small child if one so happened to find their way to the water below...perhaps by slipping through the bridge railings.

I told her numerous times not to stick her head or body through the wooden railings. But we all should know by now that Eden is strong willed. I mean - Heaven forbid! What if she got stuck...or worse!? Eden Rose Matthews, 3 tender years old - swallowed whole by man-eating giant turtle from space. I'd certainly win the '2011 Mother of the Year Award' then! I may not know the motherly thing to do in every situation my children get themselves into...but I certainly don't think I belong on the same list as Britney Spears with her 'lets ride with a baby in your lap with no seatbelt' motherly choices or dare I even say the late great Michael Jackson 'lets dangle a baby several stories up from a hotel balcony'. Moving on...

Gabe really enjoyed watching the (OK...let's compromise and call them...) creatures dive after the bread he threw in the water. Eden, thought the fish and ducks might prefer a bubble snack.

It still absolutely amazes me just how much energy a 3 and 4 year old have. Gabe and Eden spent the next hour or so RUNNING the Noland Trail - only stopping to potty (yes...in the woods) What?!?! I know what you're thinking! Here she goes again...promising contender for the Mother of the Year award! But, in my defense, people let their dogs do it!

There were a couple of times where the kids would stop far ahead and wait for us to catch up. The little darlings. They would fill their time, you know, fighting and making 'this is so boring, you're walking too slow, could you please hurry up' faces.

Farther up the trail, we found a tree that didn't survive Hurricane Irene and decided to stop and take a few pictures to send to my parents. The kids posed so sweetly for the pictures for Nannie & Poppa. I know you can't tell...but the both of them were screaming at the camera during this photo shoot. I tried to tell them that these were just pictures for Nannie and Poppa and that they couldn't actually hear them yelling 'hello' and 'I love you' from several states away! A man walking by listening to his iPod stopped and commented on how cute the kids were. Poor thing. He probably just took his earphones out because he knew that for at least the next half a mile - he'd have no hope of hearing Kenny G thru those earphones...only the screams of the 'cute' Matthews children he'd just recently met.

On the second half of our journey the kids finally started to slow down. The walk back to the Mariner's Museum was pretty close to peaceful and the kids stopped a thousand times to find 'treasures'. Rocks, shells, acorns...you name it! The kids kept finding presents and poor MiMi probably ended up carrying half of the trail home with her. *Side note - Is it bad that all I could think was the longer we stayed in one spot the more likely we would be to have tick bites? 

Just a few more cute pictures from our latest nature walk...

We ended the evening with a trip to the Pirate Ship at the Mariner's Museum so the kids could do some climbing. At this point, I think it might be safe to say, they were entering a catatonic state.

Even completely drained and on the verge of sleep walking - they have NO fear!


It was a fun day of exploring, climbing and near death experiences. We were exhausted and...Aye! It was Bed Ahoy for these little Mateys!

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