Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday!

This weekend my nephew, Coen, turned five! Wendy had his birthday party at the WISC in Williamsburg and the kids loved it! They got to run around and be crazy in a huge jump house room, play laser tag and eat cake! What more could a kid want?

Gabe and Coen are 7 weeks apart and are the best of friends. They've always been super close and truly enjoy each other's company. When Wendy and I were pregnant we used to daydream and discuss at length, how great it was going to be to have our little boys grow up together. We hoped and prayed they'd love each other and I think it is safe to say we both got our wish. I can hardly believe Coey is five! When Kelly Grace turned 5 it was a bit surreal, but now that the boys are that age its just down right crazy! What happened? You were just a baby yesterday!

In the past few days Gabe has been obsessing about the fact that Coen turned five before him. It's been the same deal for five years now...Coen has his birthday and a few weeks later you have yours. This is the first year that he's said anything and I can only imagine that when they're 16 and getting driver's licenses, this topic will come up again.

Here are some cute pictures from the party!
Gabe and Eden standing outside the WISC with Coen's birthday present.

Eden insisted on carrying the present inside.

The Birthday boy enjoying the Jump House!

Eden has finally given into letting Kelly Grace tend to her which makes both of them very happy. They are quite the pair.

I was able to snap a picture of Gabe before he could run off to jump his brains out again. Even Albert is looking a little nauseous.

Kelly Grace and her little mini-me, Eden!

Gabe seemed to enjoy this particular bounce house the best. It had a giant turtle and a mushroom that was taller than he was. I think it reminded him of Super Mario, it reminded me of Woodstock and those 'turtle' monsters we met on our Noland Trail adventure a couple of weeks ago!

'Best buddies for wife' (or better known as life).

Daddy helping Gabe put his Vans back on so we could get started on laser tag!

So there are some rules at the WISC, and one of those laser tag for people under the age of 4. Apparently the fact that our little princess has the attitude of a 16 year old does not mean she can qualify to play laser tag with the big kids. She was obviously upset and Aunt Wendy stepped in to comfort her so Daddy and I could go kick some blue team butt with Gabe (aka Lex Luther).

Everyone at the birthday party was divided up into two teams. Blue and Red. Another WISC running in the laser tag arena. What?! Laser tag without running? I guess I can first! And I mean, lets face it, how much running is one adult going to have to do to survive a 20 minute game of laser tag with a bunch of children under the age of 7? (You'd be surprised!)

While I admit it was a bit therapeutic running (I mean walking) around shooting little kids with lasers...these kids were ruthless! A boy ran up to Wendy looked her dead in the eyes, shot her and said "Chubaka sends his regards". All of a sudden these adorable little toddlers with pigtails turned into prodigies of Don Vito Corleone. Before we knew it we were 'going to the mattresses'! It was brother against sister, uncle against niece, father against son...and it was marvelous!

Gabe did well during the first game and now that I was a little more comfortable with the course I decided to let him go it on his own for the second game. Then, Daddy and I did the unthinkable, we snatched up a red team vest and gun strapped it on our sweet little princess and sent her in to finish off what was left of the blue team! She was so adorable! I wish I would have gotten a picture of her with that huge vest on but the battery died in my camera! It scares me to say, she was a natural! It clicked for her almost immediately. She knew what she needed to do - and she went to town! Twenty minutes later, I'm covered in sweat and feeling a bit ashamed of how proud I am that my 3 and 4 year old have mastered the strategies of laser war.

We won't talk about final scores, everyone was a winner! Wendy even handed out gold medals to all of the kids. Gabe later walked up to me and informed me that 'this isn't even real gold, it's plastic and made in China'. I almost died laughing. Regardless of the fact that the medal was made in China, Gabe loves it! He actually has worn it to school every morning this week.

We had a great time and I'm all charged up and excited to start planning Gabe's birthday party! Any ideas?

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