Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Let’s celebrate our Irish Heritage with some St. Patty’s Day fun! Jonathan and I asked Gabe and Eden to pick ‘Blarney Stones’ from the backyard and bring them inside for a bath.

How about we paint those green?

Being silly with daddy – Jonathan is going to kill me for posting this picture!

OK! OK! I meant let’s paint the rocks green…not your hands!

Ladies and Gentleman doing her best impression…I am proud to introduce Eden as The Incredible Hulk!

After much scrubbing in the bath the kids made a patchwork Leprechaun trap with glue, a box and scraps of paper they cut up. 

We told the kids that if they were good listeners a leprechaun would stop by the house while they were sleeping, sneak in the window and leave them little bits of the rainbow (better known as Skittles).
The Legend of the real Blarney Stone says that whomever kisses the Stone will be blessed with the ‘gift of gab’ and that sneaky little leprechaun has been trying to get his lips on one for centuries. So before bed, we set up the leprechaun trap and placed the kid’s fake Blarney Stones underneath. The kids were so excited about the possibility of seeing a real leprechaun and asked if we could keep him. I explained that if we woke up and found him in the trap that he could stay and eat breakfast with us but we’d have to let him go afterwards.

The kids woke up before the sun to check their trap!

But wait! What’s that? A trail of glitter all the way to the restroom! Looks like our little friend went potty before heading back home to Ireland.

Eden thought it was hilarious that his potty was green. (I put some green food coloring in the toilet after the kids were asleep – although I can promise you our toilet was just cleaned…I figured I’d spare you and not post any pictures of what the leprechaun left in the potty – You’re Welcome)

YAY! Looks like the kids were good listeners because they opened their four leaf clover boxes to find little edible bits of the rainbow inside!

Breakfast of champions…Lucky Charms and green milk!

Or just skittles in Eden’s case…I can’t say that I blame her. Who would want to eat cereal when you could eat a rainbow for breakfast!

The kids loved their finger puppets! With Daddy’s help they named them Shamus and Rory.

Now here’s a little note from us to you….

We are so LUCKY to have such amazing family and friends and we hope that you all had a fantastic St Patty’s! Cheers and as the old Irish blessing says ‘may the road rise to meet you, may the wind always be at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, may the rains fall softly upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand’.

I love this picture…you can tell the sugar high was wearing off…

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