A couple of days ago I was sitting on the couch relaxing a bit while the kids took a nap *insert Calgon take me away 'sigh' here. In an effort to prevent any nap time rule breaking I always try to sit where I have a clear view of the hall. Any parent knows that putting a child down for nap/bedtime can kind of remind you of any classic horror movie. Just when you think the bad guy is out for the count, he jumps up and lunges out for one last jab at your jugular. All children are masters at finding an excuse for getting up just one last time...you know, unauthorized 'bathroom breaks', last minute snack requests or just plain escape from Alcatraz style fleeing from their room activities.
It's not uncommon for the kids to sneak into eachother's rooms during 'quiet time' (we've just recently legally changed naptime's name to 'quiet time' in an effort to not upset the children as much when that time of day rolls around). So I'm sitting in the most strategic spot in my living room for full view of the hallway. The kids have been asleep for about an hour and I'm fully enjoying the peace and calm of my home. All of a sudden I hear Gabe yell.
"No!" pause..."Don't do that!"...pause..."Get away from me!"
So my first reaction is that Eden has some how managed to sneak into Gabe's room undetected. I wouldn't put it past her at this point to have used a Barbie Doll leg to dig an underground tunnel to Gabe's room. I sit and wait a few seconds wondering if I'll hear Eden scream next. Silence.
BAM! Gabe's door slams open and he comes running frantically down the hall toward the living room. He looks absolutely petrified. Eyes as big as golf balls and looking behind him as he was running like something was chasing him. I half expected the Boogie Monster to come running out after him considering the look of terror on his face.
Gabe jumps in my lap and lays down. Still....no Eden. I spent the next few minutes rubbing his back as we sat in silence.
Then I finally ask, "Why were you upset honey? I heard you yelling. Are you alright?"
"Yes. I had a bad dweam." he says sadly.
"A bad dream? Oh honey, I'm sorry. What were you dreaming about?"
In all seriousness, he looks up at me with his sleepy eyes and says..."A giant pickle."
So anyone who knows me knows how difficult it was at this point for me to not crack up with laughter. But my son was obviously distraught over this nightmare so I compose myself and show deep concern.
"A giant pickle? Well that's silly! Why were you scared of a pickle?" I'm trying to be playful to lighten the mood a bit but Gabe looks at me sternly and says softly..
"The Pickle...was angwy."
He then proceeds to tell me about how this scary giant pickle liked jam...but the jam that someone gave him was too sticky. Which did not sit well with the pickle. So he was driving and running around being angry. So my poor little boy, while trying to enjoy his 'quiet time', was being chased around by a giant angry jam-loving pickle that has a license. What an active imagination!
It has just now hit me that during Hurricane Irene this past weekend the kids played Pictionary...is it possible that these two moments in time are related in any way?
Don't even ask! I couldn't explain even if I wanted to! I'm sure she was saying something silly!